Partnering for Success Perform Forward

Elevate Your Leadership,
Enhance Your Life

We believe in performance driven by purpose and passion. Guided by the philosophy, 'It’s not the days in your life, but the life in your days,' we empower business leaders to uncover their unique talents and strengths, fostering success for themselves and their teams.

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Perform Forward

Is PerformForward
right for you?

Do you agree with any of the following statements:

  • My team's performance is vital to our company's growth.

  • I'd like to improve my company's financial outcomes.
  • Improving my employees' commitment and enthusiasm will improve their performance.

Ready to PerformForward?

Do you feel like you've traded your clock watch for a stopwatch? Is your day packed with meetings and deadlines, leaving you no time to breathe, reflect, and recharge? This always-on culture can be a major roadblock to well-being, making stress and burnout all too common. But is this really the best way to work? If this sounds familiar, it's time to elevate your leadership skills—whether you're leading others or yourself.

Leadership Development
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Ready to PerformForward?
In our relentless race against time, we often don’t:

In our relentless race against time, we often don’t:

  • Pause to reflect and learn from our experiences.

  • Feel we have the time to plan effectively.

  • Gather all the necessary information before making decisions.

  • Have anyone to bounce ideas off because everyone is too busy.

  • Take the time to get to know our team members' strengths and interests.
Leadership Coaching
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But what if this didn’t have to be the case?

Imagine having a partner focused on helping you "perform forward"- maintaining continuous progress despite challenges.

At PerformForward, our goal is not just about bouncing back but advancing steadily. Let us walk beside you on your journey to effective leadership, ensuring efficiency, reflection, and sustainable progress.

Our commitment to you is to assist you in discovering and leveraging your unique talents and strengths. By helping you develop and utilise these skills, we enable you to create a life where each day is lively and rewarding.

Our Team
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But what if this didn’t have to be the case?

Unleash our Potential
with Purpose and Passion

Are we a good fit for your leadership journey?

Are you a senior executive or manager with visionary thinking and strong analytical skills? Prioritising a balanced life, valuing family commitment and personal growth? Let us support your goals with innovative strategies. PerformForward helps you achieve your full potential through coaching tailored to your needs.

An engaged team starts with an engaged manager

Your individual performance and engagement are not just important to you; they also matter to your team. An engaged manager at any level is the key to fostering an engaged team. Gallup's research shows that managers influence 70% of the variance in team engagement. Are you that engaged manager? At PerformForward, we enhance leadership capabilities by coaching you and your team leads and creating a motivated and productive leadership structure that a workforce would want to follow.

Perform Forward Partnering for Success Perform Forward

Our Services

Personalised Leadership Coaching

At PerformForward, we believe in the power of purpose and contribution as the cornerstones of a fulfilling life. Without these, effort and impact lose meaning, and joy and fulfilment remain elusive. We understand that every day spent feeling less-than, incomplete, or lacking goes against our human nature and the ability to perform.

We believe that everyone is unique and possesses potential beyond their current level of self-awareness. By guiding you to understand your potential, talents, and strengths and supporting you in learning how to develop and apply these, we help you close the loop on purpose and contribution, leading to days full of life and fulfilment.

Leadership Coaching
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Our Approach Perform Forward

Leadership Development Programs

As an Inspired Leadership Channel partner, we offer three transformative courses tailored for various leadership levels:

  • Emerging Leaders – For those leaders-in-training who need to learn all the basics. (SETA Accredited NQF Level 5)
  • Manager-to-Leader – For managers that are ready to transition from managing their people to leading their people. (SETA Accredited NQF Level 5)
  • Beyond Command – For executives and the c-suite where we have entirely bespoke offerings based on the teams’ needs, both as individuals and collectively, as a team.
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Success stories

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I recently had some coaching sessions with Innocente and all I can say is wow! The sessions were extremely powerful and have changed the life in many positive ways. Innocente has a gift of being able to ask powerful questions and then quickly guiding you to the core of any issues. She then uses her pragmatism and any relevant data to work with you towards the best solution. I recommend her to anyone who wants to improve their performance or requires any coaching.

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Bronwen Jones

Accenture Song Global People Communications and Engagement Lead

In 2021 we decided to add the Emerging Leaders journey from Inspired Leadership to our early career professionals development. This unusual, but highly effective approach has had an excellent impact and we are now deploying all four paths of the Emerging Leader journey in the Africa Business Unit. This consulting relationship resulted in our Africa business moving from the bottom of the engagement pile to the top not only in our EMEA region but globally.

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HR Director

Notable highlights include discovering the significance of self-awareness and the importance of respect for personal boundaries, leading to improved self-confidence and a greater willingness to engage in conversations.

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Nombukiso Ntshalintshali

Emerging Leader Participant

Discovering the immense value of organisation through this course has transformed my perspective, allowing me to save time, reduce anxiety and thrive amidst chaos.

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Luvo Hatile

Emerging Leader Participant

The highlight for me was self-awareness and growth mindset, as this course taught me to introspect and contributed to my personal and personal growth.

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Emerging Leader Participant

This course enhanced my ability to apply theoretical concepts to real world situations, resulting in personal and professional growth.

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Wendall Andrews

Emerging Leader Participant

Admittedly, I have always had the tendency to dominate conversations. However through this course , I have learned the importance of giving others the opportunity to share their thoughts and experiences.

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Kgabo Mathekga

Emerging Leader Participant

I would have no hesitation to recommend Inspired Leadership to others in my field.

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Molatji Molabe

Emerging Leader Participant

The course offers valuable tips and tools for personal and professional growth, focused on enhancing interpersonal skills and self-awareness.

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Laura Minnie

Manager-to-Leader Participant

The highlight of my experience was learning about emotional intelligence, which has truly been on eye-opening journey that has facilitated tremendous personal growth. Additionally, creating a vision board has empowered me to prioritize and set meaningful goals.

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Peter Frazer

Manager-to-Leader Participant

Our Clients

NMI Perform Forward
AFSUG Perform Forward
Early Care Perform Forward
Daymon Perform Forward
SACAP Perform Forward
SLR Perform Forward
ERM Perform Forward
Adapt IT Perform Forward
SACAP Perform Forward
SASOL Perform Forward
Sabinet Perform Forward
Stadio Perform Forward
COMPRAC Perform Forward
PROTEAN Perform Forward

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Let’s talk Perform Forward

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Level 2 B-BBEE