Real results
from real clients

Our tailored coaching and development programs empower leaders to navigate obstacles and drive success, fostering growth and excellence at every level.    

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“Innocente is an incredible manager who uses a coaching methodology to encourage growth, different thinking patterns, self-motivation and solutions for specified areas of development. Innocente leads by example, explains things effectively and always makes herself available for guidance, further coaching and mentorship.”

Stefania Kruger


“I had the pleasure of working with Innocente during my tenure at VentureWeb. Even though she worked in a different division to me, I was always inspired by her consistently high levels of positive energy. I worked closely with Innocente on a specific project at VentureWeb. There, I experienced first-hand how Innocente is a ‘go-getter’ and a determined vision-centric achiever. She places the client first and carefully aligns her interactions with the business's goals. Maintaining a focus on quality and understanding of what her clients require, Innocente balances her service delivery with her experience and specialist acumen in her field. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Innocente for the positive impact she has had on me, and I do not hesitate to recommend Innocente.”

Kevin Buitendag


“I attend a business coaching session presented by Innocente (PerformForward), to be frank I assumed it would be just another one of those long-winded meetings you can’t wait to get out of. Innocente however was amazing, really made it worth attending, actively engaging with all who attended and challenged us on various levels. I personally learnt not only about myself but about managing various people, situations and cultures morning session.I was extremely impressed and if offered the opportunity would definitely attend again.”

Dale Lees


“Innocente’s role at VentureWeb was focused on learning, of which an offshoot was performance management. We worked collaboratively to overhaul performance management throughout the organisation, across all levels, all departments and all geographies. This required changing mindsets around performance management, shedding old and traditional performance systems which were no longer relevant to our organisation, and ensuring the new program was underpinned by a strong foundation which drove the right behaviours and values. Innocente was integral to supporting the change management globally, and worked hard to ensure new ideologies were practically supported with the right technology. Innocente was a key contributor in this tinitiative and nurtured its success from beginning to end.”

Caryn Schalit


“Before I met Innocente, 2 years ago, the only way I knew how to articulate who I was and who the people around me were was in reference to personalities. Having worked with her in a personal and professional capacity for over a year, I have found that her method of communication and her strengths in coaching techniques allow for insight beyond what I am able to find on my own. I would recommend Innocente for anyone looking to understand themselves better to be an effective leader, empathic listener and energised performer. Emotional Intelligence is her forte!”

Chesway Slabbert 

Leadership Coaching

“I am continuously impressed by how much Innocente cares about company culture and employees' happiness. With her no-nonsense approach, Innocente maximises the ROI of human capital in business. Innocente excels at engaging and energising her audiences during facilitation and presentations.”

Renate Jute


“Innocente is an excellent professional who is passionate about organisational performance and culture. She brings great value to business in her areas of expertise.”

Abas Alhassan


“In 2018 we made a decision to engage with Innocente, wow! what a stroke of luck. Her positive approach energized our management team and workforce. For once our employees felt they belonged and started to ‘care’ about our business. This increased productivity, reduced wastage, and resulted in better relationships in the company, improved margins, and happy shareholders. We were stuck in the past and would not have been in a position to survive the devastating state of our economy if we didn’t follow the advice from Innocent and accept more current HR approaches.”

Les Dicks


“We contracted Innocente to work with our organisation to define and implement our company culture. Innocente came with great enthusiasm; she worked alongside our MANCO team in defining our culture by reinforcing and defining our organisation’s core values and supported us in the implementation thereof. Innocente’s invaluable ability to entrust our people to open up to her, which, in turn, created the required and valued feedback that formalised our culture. This program, led by Innocente, brought new energy to Interfile. Our values now form a common language at Interfile, ensuring we go about our daily tasks with passion and enthusiasm and with our mission statement in mind: “To make a Difference.”Interfile culture program has continued to evolve and develop around our company values, environment and expectations.So, when defining the key attributes of a “Coach,” they include being positive, enthusiastic, supportive, trusting, focused, goal-orientated, knowledgeable, observant, respectful, patient, and a clear communicator. Innocente ticks each and every one of those boxes. Thank you for “Making a Difference””

Julie Wagstaff 

Leadership Coaching

“I had the privilege of getting to know Innocente during her Gallup Strengths Coaches training. From the start, it was clear that she is extremely passionate about helping her clients become the best they can be. Her commitment to understanding how people think, feel and behave is beyond impressive. It is inspiring. I have no doubt that she is a great coach to have.”

Magriet Mouton

Leadership Coaching

Innocente is a passionate and energetic speaker who will leave audiences motivated to take on Monday's with more enthusiasm and less dread. Reframing Mondays into days of purpose is Innocentes strength. I highly recommend her as a speaker, facilitator and MC. She will enliven your team and fuel you for a motivated week.

Angela de Longchamps

CEO @ Inspired Leadership Development CEO
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Innocente's contagious energy and insightful facilitation of the TGI Monday talk, makes the words on the screen come alive. My team began the day as they would any other day, however after the talk, we continued our day with a new perspective on tackling the challenges ahead. The power of understanding one's strength, and that of one's team members, can change the way a team thinks about problems and solves those problems. Mondays have become days filled with productivity and positivity.

Jenna Segal

Discipline Leader of the Fashion Retail Programmes - Stadio School of Fashion
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Innocente is a well-prepared, lively and engaging speaker. I met her at a presentation that looked into the interface between human resources and design thinking output. It was enjoyable and easy to tap into her wealth of experience and knowledge about people, behaviour, performance and science. Dealing with her is an energizing experience and you will walk away with practical solutions to try out, at the very least with some substantial food for thought.

Christelle Vermaak

International Account Manager - Sabinet
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Many people ask this question when dealing with professional coaches, leadership or business mentors… "But what qualifies them to teach me things?" In this case for the first time since (in my experience of such) while working with Innocente, she has given me an authentic no holds barred approach to perspective and challenging me in important views of business, life and all the facets thereof. She doesn’t claim to be a Forbes CEO because if that where the case how would she then be able to stand removed and give true perspective? You can’t see it clearly always if you are part of it….What separates Innocente in my experience is her authentic and genuine understanding of what her parameters and boundaries on that basis are.

I value you deeply and am excited for the robust and thought provoking conversations ahead.

Where is the 5 star button?

David Hannaway

CEO at Dynasty Financial Advisor Services
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Leadership Coaching

Innocente owns her knowledge and deep understanding of what drives our behaviour and how we motivate ourselves and interact with others. Her enthusiasm and insight was a sure guide for me to take that next step, own my unique abilities and be the best that I can be. If you are ready to make some changes that will last, that are meaningful and sustainable, you will be hard-pressed to find a better partner!

Helena Otto

Taste Manager - IMCD South Africa
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Leadership Coaching

Amazing coaching experience. Innocente has the ability, as coach, to prompt the right conversation that makes one access those aha moments naturally and easily.
I recently did the Gallop Strengths test with her, which she helped me unpack in such understandable, practical and easy fashion - this made me realise that, what I thought was “wrong” with me, is actually what is “right” with me. Since then, being aware of my strengths (and certain blind spots), made me more confident in my job, and in general. I would recommend Innocent in a heartbeat!

Landie Jacobs

Group Strategic Risk (GSR) Enablement Partner Lead - Nedbank
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Leadership Coaching

I found the course to be incredibly beneficial as I gained valuable insights on self-awareness and conflict resolution. It also taught me how to continuously improve in these areas.

Ivandra Jofane

Manager-to-Leader Participant
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Leadership Development

The course provides valuable content and insights on effective leadership, equipping you with skills such as engaging with people, giving feedback, and conflict management.

Wikus Swanepoel

Manager-to-Leader Participant
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Leadership Development

This course stood out with its integration of online tools, setting it apart from traditional book-based courses. The biggest takeaway for me was on self-awareness and performance management, offering rich and well-curated content.

Jacques Budler

Manager-to-Leader Participant
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Leadership Development

I learnt to approach my actions with intention. The most valuable aspect for me was developing emotional intelligence, which facilitated meaningful self-reflection — something I hadn’t engaged in much before.  

Kgaogelo Magoboya

Manager-to-Leader Participant
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Leadership Development

The highlight of my experience was learning about emotional intelligence, which has truly been on eye-opening journey that has facilitated tremendous personal growth. Additionally, creating a vision board has empowered me to prioritize and set meaningful goals.

Peter Frazer

Manager-to-Leader Participant
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Leadership Development

The course offers valuable tips and tools for personal and professional growth, focused on enhancing interpersonal skills and self-awareness.

Laura Minnie

Manager-to-Leader Participant
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Leadership Development

I would have no hesitation to recommend Inspired Leadership to others in my field.

Molatji Molabe

Emerging Leader Participant
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Leadership Development

Admittedly, I have always had the tendency to dominate conversations. However through this course , I have learned the importance of giving others the opportunity to share their thoughts and experiences.

Kgabo Mathekga

Emerging Leader Participant
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Leadership Development

This course enhanced my ability to apply theoretical concepts to real world situations, resulting in personal and professional growth.

Wendall Andrews

Emerging Leader Participant
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Leadership Development

The highlight for me was self-awareness and growth mindset, as this course taught me to introspect and contributed to my personal and personal growth.


Emerging Leader Participant
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Leadership Development

Discovering the immense value of organisation through this course has transformed my perspective, allowing me to save time, reduce anxiety and thrive amidst chaos.

Luvo Hatile

Emerging Leader Participant
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Leadership Development

Notable highlights include discovering the significance of self-awareness and the importance of respect for personal boundaries, leading to improved self-confidence and a greater willingness to engage in conversations.

Nombukiso Ntshalintshali

Emerging Leader Participant
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Leadership Development

In 2021 we decided to add the Emerging Leaders journey from Inspired Leadership to our early career professionals development. This unusual, but highly effective approach has had an excellent impact and we are now deploying all four paths of the Emerging Leader journey in the Africa Business Unit. This consulting relationship resulted in our Africa business moving from the bottom of the engagement pile to the top not only in our EMEA region but globally.


HR Director
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Leadership Development

I recently had some coaching sessions with Innocente and all I can say is wow! The sessions were extremely powerful and have changed the life in many positive ways. Innocente has a gift of being able to ask powerful questions and then quickly guiding you to the core of any issues. She then uses her pragmatism and any relevant data to work with you towards the best solution. I recommend her to anyone who wants to improve their performance or requires any coaching.

Bronwen Jones

Accenture Song Global People Communications and Engagement Lead
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Leadership Coaching

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